seems i've always got something on the tip of my tongue.    ©

Friday, September 16, 2005

A Detour: Acquisitions

Normally, I tend to write about sex on this blog. At the beginning, though, I had said it would be frequently about sex, but occasionally I might write about something else that was possibly inappropriate for my other blog.

So. This is one of those times. Certain people read my other blog.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have steady, reliable drug dealers. Now, me, I only do dope. I'm mostly well-behaved. Recently, though, I had a stoner concert to attend and thought I should acquire some... inspiration. I found out then that my formerly regular dealer is, get this, on "hiatus."

"They give you those, do they?" I asked.

"When you ask 'em nicely, yes," he said.

Deciding that This Concert was worth the effort, I figured, "What the fuck? Let's see what I can do."

So, without ado, I decided to negotiate an acquisition on the streets. I headed to Vancouver's primo chemo district to get me some cheebah. Now, keep in mind, I've done this once in my life. I've somehow always had connections -- a variety thereof. Buying on the street has never been required.

How does one tactfully approach someone and, essentially, ask, "Say, are you a dealer?" Why not just tack onto that, "And hey, I have a family of four that needs killing. You up?"

But this is how you do it. Find a way to observe the street for a few minutes. Walk up it, then down it. Make note of who's stationary, and better yet, leaning on a wall. Find a way to keep an eye on the scene for a few. Who stays put? Who crosses a sidewalk to talk to someone, then crosses back? Do they use hand gestures? Do they keep looking around, twitching?


Now you walk back towards him/them, and making eye contact, you raise your eyebrows.

That's it. You've done it. Easy as pie. Now: "Holdin'?" "Whatchoo need?" "Weed." "Yup. How much?" "20."

Next thing you know, you're holding two dime bags. Go home. Get happy.

Back to the regularly scheduled smut next time.